elkatire 1980,
You missed the note right below the title "as told by Kevin Williams", not the Governing Body. They are clear again. Masters of deceit, no doubt about it.
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
elkatire 1980,
You missed the note right below the title "as told by Kevin Williams", not the Governing Body. They are clear again. Masters of deceit, no doubt about it.
i do - actually, it's become close to unbearable.. and herein lies the paradox: i tried to fade in the illusion that i might keep contact with family and friends still "in".
was it worth it?
because not only most of them shun me anyways, but i find it almost unbearable to be around them, especially when the cult chit chat kicks in: every cute animal video clip triggers endless comments about glimpses of the future paradise and how "god did it"; those greasy praises to the organization and the governing body; the dumb awe about every jw broadcast and those cheesy music videos; the endless drivel against other religions when one knows perfectly well that we're no better than them; the endless flow of "experiences" of field service or spectacular conversions into "the truth"; the relentless congregation gossip; and so on .... i ask myself: is this why i am fading for ...?
so, much against my inclination, i went to the meeting this sunday morning.
just starting to fade, but i needed to do it so that it doesn't look like my hubby turned my head during last week's vacations.
since i'm not just disappearing cold turkey, i went.
I am glad you are here Mrs. Eden. You add the emotional and humanitarian touch to the discussion. You can set priorities right. Most of us went for the rational discussion first, and even got stuck there for a while: Many of us would say about the WT leaders:
"They lie about 607", "they misquote archaeologists, historians, scientists", "Geology does not support the biblical account of the universal flood", "Creationists/JW's have no case"
But you noticed the more important stuff, that they don't do a damn thing about alleviating the pain of the needy, the sick, the lonely. More often than not, they make things worse.
well, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
hi, for those who can understand french, on sept.2 in canada(quebec) on channel tva aired a documentary on jws made by an ex-jw, jean-sebastien lozeau.
it is now on youtube, but it will probably be deleted soon.
so watch it before it dissappears.
my wife and i just found out that our disassociation was announced last night.
i'd like to take a moment to thank some people:.
Welcome to the best part of your life.
If you live is SoCal (U.S.), I will treat you and your wife to dinner. I won't bring my wife though. She is still in, unfortunately. I can bring my son. He's never been in and never will.
do you have feelings of hopelessness and fear for not having a religion?.
do you envy happy jehovah witnesses and living their lives carefree?.
well, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
this letter was sent to all congregations in ecuador (south america).. the translation into english of the letter:.
to body ofelders.
subject: publisher who did not report field service time in the second semester of service year.. dear brothers:.
mrs. eden is laying here by my side reading the forum latest posts with me and asked me to send you all her warmest regards.
more to follow soon.... .
Hello Mrs. Eden,
You have a great husband, and great husbands always make the right choices, especially when it comes to partners for life.
Glad you are joining the forces of "darkness". I hope my daughter does it too. She needs time, but I am confident that her developing of critical thinking skills through college classes will open new and better horizons in her life.